The market is changing, but GOOD faith is constant! GOOD Flexitank, your most secure and reliable choice!
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Taking“ Quality is where we are grounded, while reputation is why we last forever” as our  business philosophy ,  “keep being the most professional supplier of flexitank” as our business target and ‘abrupt rising based on accumulated strength “ as our spirit, we have been committed to the constant improvement of operation process and the strict control of product quality ever since our company was established.

All our flexitanks are food-grade and have COA, Kosher, ISO 9001:2008, SGS,TTCI , CRCC Certifications, etc; we have passed the National Packaging Product Quality Supervision & Inspection and have registered on the Import & Export Food Packaging Containers & Materials.

Moreover, we carry long-term promises on the quality of our products with our partner insurance company PICC( People's Insurance Company of China) underwriting the liability coverage, compensation up to 5,000,000 USD for each tank.